Arts, Crafts, and Artisans of South Africa

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In a country with 11 official languages, and numerous tribes, you are going to have a bit of a mixing bowl when it comes to cultural influence.  The title of this country belongs to South Africa, the southernmost country in Africa and home to African wildlife, mineral mining, important archaeological sites, and major cities, including Cape Town and Johannesburg.  The country is so big, it even has a smaller country completely inside it, named Lesotho.

With all the different languages, ethnic groups, and culture flowing throughout South Africa, you will have an abundance of arts and crafts to take home with you.  Let’s take a further look at what South Africa has to offer from their skilled artisans, and which arts and crafts you will choose as a memorable souvenir to bring back home.


Paintings. With some of the earliest human fossils found in South Africa, it’s no wonder there was also primitive artwork found in rock caves too.  Petroglyphs begin the history of South African art, and today the art of painting is alive and well in the country. Vibrant colors, textures, and patterns are used by many contemporary South African artists.

Photo by Magda Ehlers from Pexels

Wood Carvings. Whether it is a bowl, an animal figurine, or religious statue, the art of wood carving is a very popular trade performed by artisans in many different ethnic groups.  These carvings can range from having intricate designs carved into wood, to a simple minimalistic object.

Pottery. Pottery fragments have been found in some of the earliest human settlements in South Africa, proving that pottery making has been happening for a very long time.  The types of clay used to create these ceramic pieces comes from the white clay found along the shores of Cape Town, and also terracotta clay .


Photo by Blue Ox Studio from Pexels

Beaded Jewelry.  While walking down the street or through the market, you may come across beaded necklaces, bracelets, earrings, and other beaded accessories.  The beading is done by hand, and beads can be made from shells, glass, animal bones, seeds, or plastic.

Recycled Art.  South Africans are nothing but resourceful.  Some of the crafts you will find in marketplaces are made from recycled art.  You will find objects made from old cans, bottle caps, plastic bags and cloth flour bags, to name a few.


Photo by Magda Ehlers from Pexels

Depending on if an artisan lives and works in the city, or if they are in a rural village can make a difference on the types of arts and crafts they create.  In South African cities, there are more resources to utilize when producing handicrafts, and these can be produced in larger quantities, and urban artisans have the luxury of finding more customers in a city marketplace.

The more rural village artisans have it a bit more challenging.  Resources are scarce, so they may have to use found objects to make their craft, and a lot fewer customers to show off their handicrafts to.  But, this doesn’t mean the rural artisans produce arts and crafts that aren’t just as unique and interesting as artisans in more populated areas.
